No.98/ORD/1 dated 18 Dec 2003
Subject:- Improving Vigilance Administration: Increasing Transparency in Procurement/Sale etc.
1. The Commission is of the opinion that in order to bring about greater transparency in the procurement and tendering processes there is need for widest possible publicity. There are many instances in which allegations have been made regarding inadequate or no publicity and procurement officials not making available bid documents, application forms etc. in order to restrict competition.
2. Improving vigilance administration is possible only when system improvements are made to prevent the possibilities of corruption. In order to bring about greater transparency and curb the mal-practices mentioned above the Central Vigilance Commission in the exercise of the powers conferred on it under Section 8(1)(h) issues following instructions for compliance by all govt. departments, PSUs, Banks and other agencies over which the Commission has jurisdiction. These instructions are with regard to all cases where open tender system is resorted to for procurement of goods and services or for auction/sale etc. of goods and services.
(i) In addition to the existing rules and practices regarding giving publicity of tenders through newspapers, trade journals and providing tender documents manually and through post etc. the complete bid documents alongwith application form shall be published on the web site of the organization. It shall be ensured by the concerned organization that the parties making use of this facility of web site are not asked to again obtain some other related documents from the department manually for purpose of participating in the tender process i.e. all documents up to date should remain available and shall be equally legally valid for participation in the tender process as manual documents obtained from the department through manual process.
(ii) The complete application form should be available on the web site for purposes of downloading and application made on such a form shall be considered valid for participating in the tender process.
(iii) The concerned organization must give its web site address in the advertisement/NIT published in the newspapers.
(iv) If the concerned organization wishes to charge for the application form downloaded from the computer then they may ask the bidding party to pay the amount by draft/cheques etc. at the time of submission of the application form and bid documents.
3. While the above directions must be fully complied with, efforts should be made by organizations to eventually switch over to the process of e-procurement/ e-sale wherever it is found to be feasible and practical.
4. The above directions are issued in superssion of all previous instructions issued by the CVC on the subject of use of web-site for tendering purposes. These instructions shall take effect from 1st January, 2004 for all such organizations whose web-sites are already functional. All other organizations must ensure that this facility is provided before 1st April, 2004.
(P. Shankar)
Central Vigilance Commissioner
(i) The Secretaries of All Ministries/Departments of Government of India
(ii) The Chief Secretaries to all Union Territories
(iii) The Comptroller & Auditor General of India
(iv) The Chairman, Union Public Service Commission
(v) The Chief Executives of all PSEs/ Public Sector Banks/Insurance
Companies/Autonomous Organisations/Societies.
(vi) The Chief Vigilance Officers in the Ministries/Departments/PSEs/Public
Sector Banks/Insurance Companies/Autonomous Organisations/Societies
(vii) President’s Secretariat / Vice-President’s Secretariat / Lok Sabha
Secretariat / Rajya Sabha Secretariat / PMO
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